CA Passing Marks Rule for CPT December 2017 Exam


Every year, ICAI takes the examination of CA CPT twice in the year in the month of June and December. The next CPT examination will be held in December 2017, and all CPT related information for CPT December 2017 exam are updated here.

CPT December 2017 exam date, time table, 30% Passing marks rule details, link to download CPT question paper & solution of June 2017 & December 2016 exam, CPT results mark sheet / score card for June 2017 updates are also given.

cpt passing marks rule

CPT December 2017 Exam Form

The form filling of CPT December 2017 exam will start from 17th December 2017 (10:00 AM) onwards and the last date of submission of the same is 1st October 2017 (05:30 PM). cpt results 2016 paytm promo code for recharge ca final results 2016 ipcc results 2016 ca admit card


You can get it from: CA CPT Exam Form December 2017

Kindly apply before the last date to appear for CPT December 2017 exam.

Recommended Article: How You Can Pass CA CPT Exams in 1st Attempt Easily

CPT Result December 2017

CPT Result December 2017 exact date is going to be declared on this page, check that for the updates.

Check: CPT Result June 2017

Also check:
CPT Pass Percentage June 2017
CPT Toppers June 2017

CPT 30% Passing Marks Rule

ICAI has proposed changes in CA CPT Passing marks rule along-with CPT exemption rule for graduates . This proposal was accepted by Govt. of India in August 2012.

According to the updates came on this rule: 30% passing mark rule was first time applicable in June 2013 and hence,  30% passing mark rule will be applied in December 2017 exam, also.


Recommended Read:- CPT Pass Percentage June 2017

Details of the 30% Passing Mark Rule :-

1. Minimum of 30% marks in each of the four sections/subjects.

2. Minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate of all the sections/subjects

* subject to the principle of negative marking, in such manner as may be determined by the Council, from time to time.

Students appearing in CA CPT June 2017 exam will have to get 100 marks with 30% at least in each of the sections/subjects to crack the CPT exam.

CPT Dec 2017 Useful Articles:

  1. CPT Dec 2017 Exam Date ++
  2. CPT Dec 2017 Admit Card +
  3. CPT Dec 2017 Exam Form +++
  4. CPT Dec 2017 Important Questions ++
  5. CPT Dec 2017
  6. CPT Pass Percentage June 2017

Minimum Passing Mark required in each subject

“A candidate for the Common Proficiency Test shall ordinarily be declared to have passed the test if he obtains at one sitting a minimum of thirty per cent marks in each section and a minimum of fifty per cent marks in the aggregate of all the sections, subject to the principle of negative marking, in such manner as may be determined by the Council, from time to time.”

¼ (one fourth) mark shall continue to be deducted for each wrong answer and multiple darkened circles for a question will also be treated as the wrong answer. Accordingly, the minimum marks required in each section and in the aggregate in all sections of CPT as per the revised passing requirements will be as under:-

Subject Maximum Marks Minimum Marks
(Mandatorily to be secured after negative marking)
Fundamentals  of Accounting 60 18
Mercantile Laws 40 12
General Economics 50 15
Quantitative Aptitude 50 15
Total 200 100*

*A candidate is required to secure a minimum of 30 per cent marks in each Section and a minimum of 50 per cent marks in aggregate in all the four Sections to pass the Common Proficiency Test.

Examples :

It is clarified that if a candidate secures a minimum of 50 per cent marks in the aggregate but fails to secure the minimum marks required in any one or more of the sections A, B, C or D (as mentioned above), his result will be FAIL. Similarly, if a candidate secures a minimum of 30 per cent marks in each section but fails to secure 50 per cent marks in the aggregate of all sections, his result will be FAIL. The following table will further illustrate the revised passing requirements:-

Subjects Section A Section B Section C Section D Total Result
  Fundamentals of Accounting Mercantile Laws General Economics Quantitative Aptitude    
Maximum Marks 60 40 50 50 200
Passing Marks 18 12 15 15 100
Student A 20 12 25 35 92 FAIL
Student F 39 10 29 22 100 FAIL
Student E 44 15 23 33 115 PASS
Student P 37 24 31 32 124 PASS
NOTE: The marks obtained by students are after considering the negative marking, if any, for wrong answers/multiple darkened answers for a question/s.

Read CA students experience on results day and add your experience too, Go:

Check this too:- IPCC Results Pass Percentage May 2017
Get this too: Download CA CPT Admit Card December 2017.

Download CPT Dec 2016 Results Mark sheet

CPT Marksheet is generally sent to every passed student of CPT exam. But in case if you haven’t received CPT results marks sheet Dec 2016, then this will be really helpful. You can now get your CA CPT Dec 2016 marksheet online from below given link.

CPT result mark sheet:

CPT Question Paper & Solution of Dec 2016 exam

I have uploaded CPT Dec 2016 question paper and solution. You can download CPT question paper solution Dec 2016 from the links given below.

CA CPT June 2017 Question Paper & Solution

Enjoy !!!

For more latest information on CA CPT Exam December 2017, 30% Passing Marks Rule, Mark sheet, kindly follow us on FB.. Enjoy !!!

179 thoughts on “CA Passing Marks Rule for CPT December 2017 Exam”

  1. what is the new info bout cpt passing marks regarding each subject for appearing in june 2013

  2. hai pls help actually iam mpc student nd i joined ca_cpt i written exam in december month but i failed in dat again i joined iam having so fearness pls help me how to prepare da exam with time mangement also nd hints nd important topics

  3. hey there are 4 sections ….or are there 2 sections ……..if its 2 then there is no sense for this new rule …………plz help meh……….

  4. Admin :if there r 2 sections then what is the need for this rule…..this rule is meaningless……nd hw do u know that there are 2 sections because many are saying that there are 4 sections……..and has this notifications given in the offical website ???????????????????????????

    1. There are two sections because I have passed CPT in past. And regarding official notification, ICAI has said in December ’12 notification that this rule will be applied from June ’13. For more updates about this notification, please stay tuned.

  5. dear sir if we look behind the admit card of cpt exam we clearly see there are two sessions .. 1. morning session and 2. afternoon session .. in 1st session there are two sections A- accounting B- …. in 2nd session C-economics D- quantitative aptitude .. right? it means we have to secure minimum of 30% marks in both section or all the subjects .. its all the same? plz correct me if i am wrong .. i have apllied for june 2013 exam so i realy need to know .thank you

  6. plss tell me if there is any change in syllabus i m taking part in june 2013 or how much marks i hve to get


  8. Admin, my accounts sir told, in ca cpt must get minimum 30% on each subjects , is that true? im so confused pls tell admin

  9. Admin,
    i had to know that is there any change in portion of any subject of cpt,as because i had registered in june 2012 and now i m applying for june 2013 attempt.
    Its a humble request from me pls clear my confusion.

  10. negative markings means what? ….how about if we dont attempt a particular question will it be considered as wrong and deducted as 1/4 from the correct

  11. harinee chandrasekaran

    can you please tell what is the mark alloted for maths and statistics….

  12. My daughter got 93 marks but she is 100 pecent sure that she should get alteast 120.pls suggest me should I go for revaluation.

      1. Sunil Malhotra

        Revaluation will not help you a lot, its better for you to do the preparation again, it happens with mny of the students of CPT.One of my students out of many students to whom i have taught failed with only 1 mark..So we are giving him coaching now.
        If you want any help or guidance or coaching you can contact us.

  13. neeraja javvaji

    i got 91 in cpt in june 2013 attempt. will there be any use if go for revaluation

  14. I dnt think that they will make up pass on dot 100 Bcz they fail maximum Plzzzz pass me. Bcz net ke questions ans se m getting dot 100

  15. sir i already registered for cpt for Dec 2013.Now i want attempt it again for june 2014.It is compelsory to register for cpt again or else i can pay exam fee directly.

  16. sir i already registered for cpt for Dec 2013.Now i want attempt it again for june 2014.It is compalsory to register for cpt again or else i can pay exam fee directly.

  17. i have passed cpt exam in dec 2013 attempt. iam not satisfied with my i want to rewrite the cpt exam in june-2014 attempt. what is the procedure for applying? is there any prescribed format for cancelling my cpt last attempt?

  18. i have 2 sets of model papers
    set 1 is easier and set 2 is very tough
    is cpt paper a mixture of both or only set 2 ????

  19. Sir i’ve heard tat they are goin to make changes.. like u will need 120 marks to pass the exams and the restriction in securing 30% marks will b withdrawn ? Is tat true ? Or if it is true .. will it effect dec 2014 attempt

  20. the minimum marks required in each section and in the aggregate in all
    sections of CPT as per the revised passing requirements is as under:-

    Minimum marks
    (Mandatorily to be secured
    after ***negative marking)
    A Fundamentals of Accounting 18(30% of 60)
    B Mercantile Laws 12(30% of 40)
    C General Economics 15(30% of 50)
    D Quantitative Aptitude 15(30% of 50)
    Total *100(50% of** 200)
    *A candidate is required to secure a minimum of 30 per cent marks in each Section and a minimum of
    **50 per cent marks in aggregate in all the four Sections to pass the Common Proficiency Test.
    *** 1 mark for each correct question
    *** -1/4 mark for each incorrect question
    *** 0 mark for each unattempted question

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