Procedure To Apply For CA CPT Online Registration


Procedure To Apply For CA CPT Online Registration. As Friends we know that Common Proficiency Test (CPT) is the entry level course For Charted Accountant course. So students want to make their carrier in CA will have to very first apply for CPT Registration.

But in this Era of Internet CA Institute is not behind, Online registration for CA CPT has been started, So students can easily register and enroll in Chartered Accountancy Course.

So to enjoy this Online CA CPT Registration student will have to follow simple procedure:Just go to:


Fill online form and make payment. Done.


Check this too: For How much time your CA CPT registration will be valid ?

Its very easy to apply for CA CPT Online registration.

Note:In this case of submitting the Registration Form online – student will be required to make the payment via Debit/Credit Card.



2 thoughts on “Procedure To Apply For CA CPT Online Registration”

    1. Mohammadnoor Punasiya

      then follow the procedure i mentioned above, its very simple and easier then physical form filing….

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