Announcement, CA, CA CPT, CA FINAL, CA Information, CA IPCC / Intermediate

Revaluation / Verification of Marks of CPT, IPCC, CA Final Answer Papers May June 2017

ICAI has declared IPCC Results recently and few week ago of CA Final result & CPT result too. Some of the students have passed. But some students could not. If you are one of those not passed students and thinking that you haven’t obtained marks as per your expectation then you should go for revaluation / verification/


CA CPT Registration Form, CPT Online Registration for Dec 2017

Common Proficiency Test (CPT) is the entry level course For Charted Accountancy course. So students who are have not completed graduation want to make their carrier in CA will have to very first apply for CPT registration by either filling the CPT registration form or applying CPT online registration for upcoming CPT Dec 2017 exams.

GST login
GST Tax, Important

GST Tax: Small Business Will Have To Digitize Soon

Updates and details for GST Tax: Small Business Will Have To Digitize Soon: On 1st July, as India rolls out its landmark national sales tax, business that make less than 100 million rupees which the government refers to as micro, small and medium enterprises will all have to digitize. The firms, often accused of conducting business

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CA CPT, Important

Common Proficiency Test to be held on 18th June, 2017

Updates and details for Common Proficiency Test to be held on 18th June, 2017: Common Proficiency Test, an entry level test for the Chartered Accountancy course, is held twice a year in the month of June and December. The forthcoming Common Proficiency Test is scheduled to be held on 18th June, 2017 (Sunday). Students, who are

CA, CA Information, Important

Stringent Action Against Adoption of Unfair Means

Updates and details for Stringent Action Against Adoption of Unfair Means: Cases of adoption/attempt to adopt unfair means are reported in respect of the examinations held every time. In respect of the Examinations held in November 2016, over 60 cases of infringement/ violation of Instructions to Examinees, which tantamount to adoption of unfair means, were reported.


Announcement for the Students of CPT level for June, 2017

Updates and details for Announcement for the Students of CPT level for June, 2017: The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has notified Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016 (G.S.R. 364 (E) dated 30.03.2016) wherein MCA has ommitted AS 6, Depreciation Accounting and replaced AS 10 Accounting for Fixed Assets with newly notified AS 10, Property, Plant

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